Friday, March 4, 2016

Studies - Loomis - Figure Proportion

Wow something that's not heads! The first attempt was very bad I wasn't going to post it. I definitely won't subject the interwebs to the horrors of my timed gesture drawing. They look like someone blind folded a two year old and made them draw people XD. It's very humbling when you go to do studies like this to realize how shit you are. Oh well. When I tackled it today I decided to create a head units chart so I didn't have to inaccurately try and do it with a ruler every time I started a new drawing. I created the chart in InDesign based off the chart from the Loomis figure drawing book (examples below). And it made all the difference. So much more efficient and I did a bit  better:

The above is the original example from the Loomis Figure Drawing book. Obviously all credit to William Andrew Loomis!

- Staedtler Mars Lumograph graphite pencil HB
- printer paper
- kneaded erasure
- standard vinyl eraser

I'm so happy I decided to create that chart I can print it out whenever. Of course I lost some drawing time! However this is all just helping me get better so it is what it is. I'm happy with the last one only way to go is up!


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